Find the answers to common questions about TAFE SA applications through SATAC.
When you have reached the maximum number of offers in your TAFE SA application you will not be able to make any further changes to your preferences or receive any more offers.
You can list a maximum of three preferences on a TAFE SA application.
The CSPA is a tool designed to indicate reading, writing and numeracy/maths skills. It is free of charge for TAFE SA applicants. For more information about the CSPA visit the TAFE SA website.
Satisfactory demonstration of reading, writing and numeracy skills is a course admission requirement for a range of TAFE SA courses. Check the course entry details carefully when applying to see if you need to sit the CSPA.
TAFE SA will email you with details on how to book into a Core Skills Profile for Adults (CSPA) within 5 business days of submitting your application. Please contact TAFE SA on 1800 882 661 – available Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Many TAFE SA courses are offered at different levels. If, for example, you do not meet the course admission requirements for a Diploma level course, you may be able to apply for the same course at Certificate III level.
For help understanding admission requirements for any courses, please TAFE SA on 1800 882 661 or
For help considering other course options, please call TAFE SA on 1800 882 661.
SATAC does not determine eligibility for subsidised training courses.
Information about subsidised training is available on the TAFE SA website, or contact TAFE SA on 1800 881 662 for assistance.
If you need to sit the Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) to meet the course admission requirements for a higher education course, book through ACER.