Flinders is a leading international university in Australia, distinguished by its boldness, vigour and imagination. The University has a record of excellence and innovation in teaching, research and community engagement.
CRICOS Provider No: 00114A
Flinders is a leading international university in Australia, distinguished by its boldness, vigour and imagination. The University has a record of excellence and innovation in teaching, research and community engagement.
While the main campus is located in the suburb of Bedford Park, a short drive south of Adelaide's Central Business District and easily accessible by public transport, the University's geographical footprint also stretches across South Australia, Western Victoria and the Northern Territory.
Flinders’ City Campus at Festival Plaza offers students convenience, connectivity and flexibility in the heart of the city, directly next to Adelaide Railway Station on North Terrace and close to trams and buses. Spanning eight floors and over 15,000 sqm, the campus offers hundreds of formal teaching areas and collaborative learning spaces, a library, open plan events space and more.
Less than 20 minutes by train from Flinders’ City Campus at Festival Plaza, Flinders' Tonsley campus is a $120 million hub of innovation, which centrally locates the University’s teaching and research in computer science, artificial intelligence, defence and national securities, autonomous vehicles, information technology, engineering and mathematics.
Flinders has over 2,500 staff and more than 26,000 students, with over 5,000 coming from countries as diverse as Canada, India and Kenya. Its graduates are encouraged to be knowledgeable, to communicate effectively, and to develop skills to connect across boundaries and tackle major challenges.
Flinders has led the way in providing access to higher education and offers a choice of pathways that cater to people from a variety of backgrounds.
Offering over 200 undergraduate and over 170 postgraduate courses, Flinders prides itself on the quality of its programs and the attention given to the learning experience of its students.
Flinders University offers many courses in a variety of areas and the entry requirements for these courses vary.
It is extremely important applicants seek advice on the correct entry requirements for courses before nominating preferences on SATAC's online application.
Flinders University conducts an English Language proficiency check on domestic applications submitted for consideration to its courses.
This will be met in a number of ways, including if the applicant's:
- first language is English i.e. they hold citizenship in a country where English is recognised by Flinders University as the official or main language spoken
- prior studies in English were in a country where English is recognised by Flinders University as the official or main language spoken (eg. a Cert IV or higher from a recognised Australian training institution) or completed secondary schooling in Australia
- tertiary study at a higher education institution of one semester of full-time equivalent or more was taught in the English language in a country where Flinders University recognises English as the official language or main language spoken
- score in an international academic English language proficiency test such as IELTS, PTE, TOEFL or Cambridge CAE meets the requirements for Flinders University
- approved and completed English language course from a registered English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS) Provider
- overall performance in the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) meets the Flinders University’s admission requirements. The minimum University STAT requirement is currently 132/200 (this may change from year to year)
- registration with an Australian health board is relevant to their proposed course of study (eg. holds current registration as a Registered Nurse, General Practitioner, Teacher, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker and such in Australia)
Some courses require specific English language requirements to be met to a specific minimum.
In some instances, applicants may be asked to provide evidence they meet the requirements if the information required is not available in their application.
Flinders University offers several access schemes and pathways to its courses, including:
- Indigenous Admissions Scheme for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have not had the opportunity to gain access to university by traditional means.
- School Recommendation Program appreciates a student’s performance in Year 12 studies may not always be a true indicator of their ability to succeed at university. Accordingly, Flinders will consider a school’s recommendation of an applicant’s academic performance and potential for university study for entry to selected Flinders courses.
- Elite Athlete Admissions Scheme provides elite sportspeople with a pathway to university study.
- uniTEST is open to current Year 12 applicants wishing to enhance their opportunity to attend university. Flinders will select students based on their uniTEST performance.
- Research Project B pathway is open to recent Year 12 applicants who will be considered on their Year 12 results and their Research Project B performance.
Find out more about additional admission pathways from the Flinders University website.
Quotas which determine the number of commencing students admitted to all courses are set annually and for most courses applications exceed supply. Selection is made on the basis of academic merit and for some courses also performance in the UCAT, at an interview or audition. The University reserves the right not to offer a course for which insufficient applications have been received.
Courses with limited number of places are very competitive. Applicants who received an offer to a limited intake course will be required to secure their place in the course by a deadline as per the instructions in their offer letter. Failure to secure their place in the course by the deadline will mean their place will be offered to another applicant.
Most undergraduate degrees offered by Flinders University can be studied concurrently with another degree, including the Bachelor of Letters which offers a range of streams. It is undertaken part-time concurrently with a bachelor degree, normally adding one extra year (full-time equivalent) study. For example, students in three-year (full-time equivalent) degrees are normally able to complete both degrees in four years of full-time equivalent study.
Find out more about the Bachelor of Letters
Similarly, Flinders University offers students the opportunity to combine degrees to follow their interests and aspirations. Completing an approved combined degree option will normally add at least one extra year (full-time equivalent) to their studies. For example, students combining two three-year full-time equivalent degrees are normally able to complete both degrees in four years of full-time equivalent study. Students graduate with two degrees, expanding employment opportunities.
Similarly, Flinders University offers students the opportunity to combine degrees to follow their interests and aspirations. Completing an approved combined degree option will normally add at least one extra year (full-time equivalent) to their studies. For example, students combining two three-year full-time equivalent degrees are normally able to complete both degrees in four years of full-time equivalent study. Students graduate with two degrees, expanding employment opportunities.
To be considered for entry to approved combined degree options applicants must meet the minimum entry requirements and any subject prerequisites for both courses. Chances of selection for combined degrees will not be affected by which combined degree option is selected since the selection rank will be the same.
Most undergraduate courses are deferrable for a full academic year. Deferment is automatic for applicants who accept their offer but do not enrol or attempt study for two consecutive semesters (for courses with two intakes per year) or accept their offer but do not enrol or attempt study for one semester (for courses with one intake per year).
There is no deferral for postgraduate courses through SATAC. Contact the university directly for further information.
Many courses at Flinders will grant credit for studies undertaken at other recognised educational institutions.
Credit transfer is available for applicants who have completed or partially completed an award from another university or recognised higher education institution, or who have completed an appropriate level of qualification from TAFE or a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). Many TAFE/RTO qualifications have already been assessed for credit towards some of our courses; these can be found in Flinders' Credit Transfer Database at flinders.edu.au/study/apply/credit-transfer. Other qualifications will require individual assessment.
Eligibility for credit does not guarantee entry to a course at Flinders University.
Flinders University together with TAFE SA offer a number of dual offer pathways in various discipline areas. Students undertaking this pathway are guaranteed entry to Flinders University on successful completion of their TAFE SA studies. Articulated credit transfer agreements allow for students to maximise credit opportunities. Students will strengthen their vocational skills by combining TAFE and university studies and receiving two awards.
For further information contact the TAFE SA Information Service, telephone 1800 882 661 (free call).
A number of degrees in Creative Arts are also offered in partnership with TAFE SA in Costume Design, Dance, Fashion and Visual Arts. Students in these industry-focused degrees combine practical skills with theoretical knowledge and enrol concurrently at TAFE SA and Flinders.
Most degrees offered by Flinders University commence in semester 1 and/or semester 2 of each academic year.
If you receive an offer to a course you will be sent detailed enrolment instructions. Some courses require new students to enrol by a deadline to secure their place and this is stated in their offer letter.
Flinders University has a range of scholarships and bursaries available to assist high achieving students as well as students from rural and remote areas or from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Scholarships vary in level of support and some are targeted at specific fields of study. In addition, Flinders University offers a number of options that assist students to gain valuable work experiences or support studies overseas.
Scholarships are also available to continuing and honours students.
Your questions can be answered via email at askflinders@flinders.edu.au or by contacting Flinders Connect on 1300 354 633 (option 8).
Flinders University has a strong reputation for supporting all students by providing access to a comprehensive range of free and confidential student services.
The Student Hub and plaza are the heart of the University's Bedford Park campus. With a focus on student interaction, engagement, services and community events, the plaza is a vibrant place in which to learn, connect and play.
Typically, a new Flinders student will begin the year by participating in the Orientation and Transition Program, including campus tours and academic, online and social support. In addition, students can attend the Ready2Go: Essential Study Skills for Uni, which provides an introduction to student life at Flinders, including university expectations, academic skills, and student services, making sure first year students start on track.
Other Student Services available to Flinders University students include:
- The Student Learning Support Service - provides free academic support to all current students. This includes one to one support through the Learning Lounge at the central library, online support through Studiosity and study guides that you can access anytime through Flinders Learning Online (FLO). For further information visit Student Learning and Support Service.
- Careers and Employability - offer a range of free services and programs for students to help you plan your career, broaden your skills and experience, connect with employers and industry professionals and prepare for employment. For further information visit the Careers and Employability website or email careers@flinders.edu.au or call (08) 8201 2832.
- Health, Counselling and Disability Services – offer medical services, personal counselling, disability services and many online resources. For further information visit the website or call (08) 8201 2118.
- Office of Indigenous Strategy and Engagement – providing academic, social and other support to Indigenous students. For further information visit the website or email yungkurrinthi@flinders.edu.au or call (08) 8201 3033.
- International Student Services – offering a range of services to assist international students with life and studies at Flinders University. For further information email iss@flinders.edu.au or call (08) 8201 2717.
- Flinders University Student Association – providing assistance with advocacy and welfare services, loans and financial counselling and academic, cultural, political, recreational and religious clubs, societies and associations. For further information visit the FUSA website or call (08) 8201 2371.
The Flinders University Library consists of a Central Library and three branch libraries – the Law, Sturt and Gus Fraenkel Medical Libraries. The library system contains more than one million books and periodicals on all subjects related to the teaching and research interests of the University's staff and students. There are extensive reading and study areas in all the libraries, and each library offers borrowing facilities to any student in the University. The library offers a wide range of electronic services, including a comprehensive range of databases and electronic journals and computers in each library with internet and word processing capabilities.
Life at Flinders
Flinders provides a range of services to students including:
- A gym, sports and recreational clubs and facilities
- Food outlets and cafes
- Retail/stationary shop
Students with disabilities
Flinders University is committed to providing access and equity for students with disabilities to enable them to participate fully and independently, to the greatest extent possible in the academic, cultural and social life of the University. For further information email disability@flinders.edu.au or call (08) 8201 2118.
Flinders University encourages students to apply for accommodation in the educational, multicultural, and fun residential communities on campus.
University Hall accommodates 250 students from around the world in its catered, collegiate-style hall of residence.
The Deirdre Jordan Village is self-catered with 2, 3 and 5-bedroom units and a supportive semi-collegiate environment for 310 residents.
Both are a few minutes’ walk from the heart of the University and to public transport to the nearby beaches, shopping centres and the Adelaide CBD. Both offer residents a fantastic opportunity to be a part of lively communities that emphasise personal development, collegiality, leadership opportunities and intellectual growth.
Applications normally close mid-November of the year prior to entry. For further information contact Flinders Living, telephone (08) 7221 8900 or email flinders.living@flinders.edu.au or go to the Flinders Living website and apply online.
Child care facilities
There are two available options for childcare on the Flinders University campus. For further details please contact either the Flinders University Child Care Centre located on the Sturt Campus, telephone (08) 8201 2881, or the Community Child Care Centre located next to the Flinders Medical Centre, telephone (08) 8204 5306.
The following free publications are available on request:
- Flinders University Undergraduate Course Guide
- Course brochures
- New Courses
- School Students Guide
- Adult Entry Pathways Guide
- Indigenous Student Guide
- Flinders Living Student Accommodation
- Scholarships at Flinders
- Information for Parents
Publication enquiries/requests should be directed to the Prospective Students team at success@flinders.edu.au
Flinders University Open Days will be held on Friday 9 August and Saturday 10 August 2024 at Bedford Park Campus, Sunday 12 August at Flinders City Campus and Saturday 17 August at Tonsley Campus.
Flinders offers a Drop-in service 10am to 4pm – Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays and end of year university closure).
Location: Flinders Connect, Level 0, Central Library, Flinders University, Sturt Road, Bedford Park SA 5042
Location: Flinders Connect, Level 0, Central Library, Flinders University, Sturt Road, Bedford Park SA 5042
Telephone: 1300 354 633 (option 1)
Postal address:
Office of Student Recruitment
Flinders University
GPO Box 2100
Adelaide SA 5001
Flinders University
GPO Box 2100
Adelaide SA 5001