If you have studied at higher education level (e.g. university) you may be eligible to apply to enter another course with your results from that study. 

Use Course Search to check if the courses you are interested in consider higher education qualifications for entry.

Higher education level study at an Australian institution

If you have studied at higher education level in Australia your eligibility to apply will depend on the amount of study you have done.

Your selection rank will be based on your grade point average (GPA). SATAC will calculate a GPA for any higher education level course you enrolled in for the equivalent of one full-time semester or more.

Students who are currently studying in a higher education course will have results from study up to, and including, semester 2 included in the GPA calculation. Results from later study periods are usually not included. This might affect applicants studying in summer school or with Open Universities Australia (OUA).

If you have attempted more than one higher education level course, SATAC will calculate a GPA for each course separately.

If you have studied at higher education level for less than one semester, you are not eligible to apply with your results.

There are a few exceptions to this rule.

Flinders University Arts and Science (Honours) Enhanced Program for High Achievers and all courses at Torrens University Australia 

  • you must have studied at higher education level for exactly one year or more to be eligible to apply with your results.
  • if you have studied at higher education level for less than one year, you are not eligible to apply with your results.
The University of Adelaide Medical Studies/Medicine (including Bonded Medical Program) 

There are specific eligibility requirements for Medical Studies/Medicine at the University of Adelaide. Their 2025 Medicine Admissions Guide covers all eligibility requirements for the course. Applicants must read the Admissions Guide together with the course entry. 

For selected University of South Australia courses 

If you have studied a higher education diploma course, you must have completed your diploma to be eligible to apply with your results. Use course search at the top of this page to check individual course entries.

For SAIBT courses 

If you have studied at higher education level for any amount of time, you are eligible to apply with your results.

Higher education study overseas

SATAC will assess higher education study completed overseas using the guidelines agreed to by our participating institutions. These guidelines determine your eligibility to apply with the results from your overseas study.