Thursday 12 September 2019
If you’re ready to apply for undergraduate study in 2020 you might be wondering where to begin with your SATAC application. To help you get started we’ve put together a quick guide to applying through SATAC.

Starting your application

At the top of this page choose ‘Undergraduate’, then ‘Apply for courses’. SATAC has different application options for different types of student (domestic or international year 12), and for courses starting in different admissions years. Choose the option that best fits your needs.

Complete the application registration page, activate your application using the email link, and then complete each section of the application in turn.

Inside the application

First, you will need to read and agree to the terms and conditions before you can complete the rest of the application.

In the application you will need to tell us:

  1. a bit about who you are and how to contact you
  2. which courses you would like to study (your course preferences)
  3. information about your current studies or any study you have completed prior to this application, and
  4. whether you would like to sit an admissions test as part of your application.
You will also need to pay a fee to cover the cost of processing and assessing your application. If you intend to study in semester 1 2020, application fees will increase after 30 September 2019.

After you apply

Once your application is submitted you can use SATAC’s online services to provide supporting documents (if needed), change your preferences if you need to, update your contact details, and check the status of your application and offers.

There are many offer rounds throughout the year, and when you might receive an offer will depend on a number of factors, including when you apply and the assessment outcomes of your qualifications. If you receive an offer to a course SATAC will email you with information about what to do next.

More information

The following fact sheet explains the online application in more detail, and if you have any questions about your application or circumstances you can contact SATAC for advice.

If you haven’t decided on which courses to apply for yet, then there are lots of great resources available online to help you make sense of which courses are a fit for your future career or learning goals. Visit Study Assist and take the career quiz or find and compare courses offered across Australia using Course Seeker.