Thursday 04 August 2016
Each year SATAC produces a range of publications about tertiary study to help applicants make choices for further education.

The 2017 SATAC Guide to undergraduate courses provides information for applicants on selection rules, SATAC processes and includes detailed information on undergraduate courses offered through SATAC. It also provides useful information about our participating institutions and general information on financial assistance for students.

Year 12 students in South Australia and the Northern Territory receive a copy of the SATAC Guide through their school. You can purchase a copy of the Guide for $12 from newsagents throughout Australia.

We also produce Tertiary Entrance booklets for SACE/NTCET and International Baccalaureate students. Copies of these booklets are provided to students in South Australia and the Northern Territory in years 10, 11 and 12. You can also download a copy from our website. See our Publications page for more information.

All of the information we publish in the SATAC Guide and Tertiary Entrance booklets is available on our website. Go to the Undergraduate section to Explore courses, Clarify SATAC processes, and Apply for undergraduate study.

The Year 12 for tertiary entry section includes useful information for year 12 students, and their parents and teachers, on undergraduate and TAFE SA entry, the Universities Bonus Schemes, and information for SACE/NTCET students about the university aggregate and ATAR, Recognised Studies and scaling.